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6 Reasons Your Lashes Won't Stay Put (& What To Do About It) - Updated September 2024

6 Reasons Your Lashes Won't Stay Put (& What To Do About It) - Updated September 2024

"Whether you’re a busy mom racing against the clock or a woman on a mission, with no time for tomfoolery, in the words of Kimberly Wilkins, “Ain’t nobody got time for that!”.

The good news? You’re not alone. The better news? You’ve stumbled upon the solutions."

You know that feeling when you’re trying to balance a cup of coffee, wrangle a toddler (or three), and still somehow attempt to smoosh on false eyelashes that boast ‘effortlessly polished’, and you’ve almost got it, but – what’s this?

A lifting corner? Between you, me, and this third cup of coffee (because I am one of these moms), I have been there.

Worse yet…

What if you did manage to get those lashes locked down and you’re rushing out the door, juggling a million things, thinking “Today’s the day. I’m going to look fabulous doing it all”.

Your false eyelashes? On point.


*Queue gust of wind* and poof. Gonezo.

Your lash, and your confidence go flying down the street.

Or maybe a quick pre-big-important-meeting makeup check reveals the ultimate betrayal – your false lashes have forsaken you.

Lifting. Where there should be sticking.

Whether you’re a busy mom racing against the clock or a woman on a mission, with no time for tomfoolery, in the words of Kimberly Wilkins, “Ain’t nobody got time for that!”.

The good news? You’re not alone. The better news? You’ve stumbled upon the solutions.  

Why Your False Eyelashes Wont Stick

Here’s the deal: False eyelashes are amazing…when they stay put. So why do they keep trying to make an escape?

Let me break it down for you.

If you’re battling with lash lift-offs, don’t worry – this guide is going to walk you through the top reasons why it happens and, most importantly, how to fix it.

There Are Six Main Reasons Your False Eyelashes Aren't Staying Put

While we sell mostly magnetic eyelashes, for now (subtle teaser), we’ve updated this article (September 2024) to include all false strip lashes since we now have both magnetic eyeliner and clear lash liner which can be used for either magnetic or regular strip lashes.

Both our magnetic eyeliner and clear eyeliners alleviate the need to mess around with tricky or irritating lash glues; however, the art of false lash application does take a little bit of practice (that's the bad news).

Once you master these six things, your struggle with lashes making a run for it will be but a distant memory (that’s the great news!).

Alright, let’s get to it.  

In summary (and what we’ll be covering in depth further down), the six main culprits for lashes lifting, in no particular order, are that you:

  1. Didn’t give your eyeliner a shake before applying.
  2. Applied your eyeliner to oily eyelids.
  3. Didn’t use enough eyeliner.
  4. Didn’t prep your lash bands.
  5. Applied your lashes too quickly.
  6. Didn’t set the bands into place.

Any one of these, or a combination of them, leave you at risk for embarassing lash catastrophes.

Let’s dive into each one.

#1 - You Forgot to Shake Your Eyeliner

This one is an easy fix! Shake your eyeliner well prior to application AND between layers. Nothing crazy, but give it a shake.

There are two important factors to mention which work simultaneously inside any magnetic eyeliner formula:

  1. Iron oxides make the eyeliner ferrous (magnetic). They’re tiny particles used in cosmetic coloring and they suspend inside the formula to get your magnets to adhere.
  2. Iron oxides have less suspension efficacy than other ingredients.  In layman's terms, the iron oxides are heavier than the rest of the ingredients inside the formula and settling of the iron oxides can occur over time. Shaking ensures they’re evenly disbursed throughout the liquid, giving you consistent magnetic strength.

Whether we’re talking about magnetic eyeliner or clear lash eyeliner (or any eyeliner, really), they need to be shaken prior to application for these reasons:

  1. Even Distribution of Particles and Ingredients. Whether it’s the magnetic particles, or other ingredients inside the formula, a good shake brings everything back together, giving you consistency in texture and adherence every time.
  2. Ensures Smooth Application. Ingredients in both eyeliners contain ingredients like pigments, binders and adhesive agents that can separate over time. Mixing it ensures that you get a smooth application free of streaks, clumps or patches.
  3. Maintains Adhesive Strength. If your eyeliner doesn’t have the right amount of tackiness, or stick, you risk a lift-off. In regular lash adhesives, shaking can reactivate or recombine adhesive agents, ensuring proper lash bonding, securely holding your lashes in place.

 #2 – Your Eyelids Were Oily

Oils create a slippery surface, preventing the eyeliner from properly sticking and can lead to uneven application as well shortened wear as the oils break down the formula and bond. Ultimately, leading to lash lifting. Even if you have dry skin, this still applies to you. If you have oily skin, be sure to read all of this section, it will change your makeup routine forever!

Our eyelids produce oils in both the meibomian and sebaceous glands as a natural part of our skin and eyes protective barriers, and while this serves a great purpose, it will interfere with how well your eye makeup (eyeshadows, eyeliner, mascara, etc.) and lash glues, adhesives or eyeliners adhere to your skin.

The good news is that this is another easy fix!

For best results with any eyeliner, bond or lash adhesive, it’s crucial to start with clean eyelids. Here are a couple more pro hacks that will help minimize oil production and prep your lids and lashes for an all-day wear:

  1. Use a matte-finish powder as a base on your eyelids. Translucent powder works great as well to create a smooth, oil-free base for your eyeliner.
  2. Use a long wear matte gel eyeliner under your lash liner. If this sounds like a tedious extra step – trust me, the pay off is more than worth it! A little bit of prep goes a long way with false eyelashes and that is the difference in “are those extensions??” and “excuse me, I think I found your eyelash in my soup”. My personal favorite is the Bobbi Brown long wear gel eyeliner. If you tend to have oily skin, this is a life (or lash) saver! The best part is that either magnetic or our clear lash liner glides perfectly overtop without smudging or moving it at all. If you use it with our clear eyeliner, there are a few color options which gives you a fun variety of looks to play with since the clear eyeliner won’t impact the color whatsoever. I’ve been doing this for years and my lashes last 14+ hours without budging at all. I should note that this is in no way an affiliate link, I just love the eyeliner and have had great results!

#3 – You Didn’t Use Enough Eyeliner

Another easy fix here! When it comes to liquid magnetic eyeliner or clear lash eyeliner, less is more when you apply; however, you do still need enough for your lashes to grab on well.

The solution, apply a second, thin layer. I do this on my lash application every time. The first layer should be thin so that it dries properly, if you apply a thick layer, the eyeliner will dry uneven. We’ll cover this more in point #5. Apply a second, thin layer, making sure that your eyeliner is wide enough from the inside of your eyes all the way to the outside. Your eyeliner should be at least as wide as the lash band you’ll be attaching to it, if you're using magnetic eyelashes, the eyeliner needs to be at least as wide as the magnets on your band.  

#4 – You Didn’t Prepare Your Lash Band(s)

There are three important things to do to your lash bands before first use and one important thing to do before each reuse:

1. Fit the bands to your eyes.

This will apply to new bands, first wear. We don’t need to fit more than once.

A full lash band is like a bathing suit. No one size fits all (despite misleading marketing claims). Some eyes are wider and some are more narrow, full lash bands generally come in a width that can accommodate both. Fitting your lash band is the first step to ensuring a successful lash wear.  If you use a lash band that is too wide for your eyes, you will most definitely experience some degree of lifting, either in the inside corners or the outer corners. Don’t be afraid to trim to fit, it will feel far more comfortable, look far more natural and keep your lashes attached!

How do you know if I need to trim them?

Generally speaking, your false lash band should begin where the bulk of our inner lashes begin (not all the way to the inside) and end 2-3 lashes in from the outside corners. Hold your lash band up to your eyes, starting at the bulk of your inner corners and look to see where the end of the band falls. If the ends extend past the outside 2-3 lashes, they need a trim.

If you’re working with magnetic eyelashes, start by trimming one magnet off the end.

Always trim from the outer corner (the inner corners are tapered inward to mimic your natural lashes and should never be trimmed) and trim the smallest amount possible to start.

If you’re working with nonmagnetic, simply snip off the excess from the outside corner (again, never the inside, that tapers with your natural lashes, so we want to leave that side alone) and then hold them up again for a re-measure. Trim until you’re happy with how they look on your eyes.

Pro tip – if you don’t want full coverage all the way along your lash line, start the lash band from above the iris and trim excess amounts that extend past the outer corners of your lash line off. This is something a lot of people do when they want a whisper of lash rather than the whole band all the way along their line. You can keep the trimmed off excess (if its not in 10 small chunks) and use it to craft a full lash look for the days you do want more drama OR for a double up on the ends.

If you can't stomach the idea of trimming your magnetic lash band and loosing the shape of a cat eye (for example) - try our lash segments! A full magnetic lash band is pre-clipped into 6 portions so you can use some, or all of the lashes, however you choose!

2. Flex the lash band.

If your lash band is stiff at all, it won’t contour nicely along your lash line and can encourage the lashes to pop up, usually on the inner or outer corners.

New lash bands should always get a good flex before application and a little flex on each reuse. While our lash bands are made from cotton for a lightweight wear, giving the bands a good flex works wonders for comfort and fit and contours the bands to your eyes.

This is especially important for anyone with protruding eyes since your eyelids tend to be more rounded. If you’re working with magnetic eyelashes, flex the bands well between each magnets and then the whole band, you’ll see an immediate rounding of the band and that’s just what we’re looking for!

Flexing False Lash Bands
3. Apply clean lashes.

This is going to be relevant to reusing your false lashes. Whether you’re working with magnetic eyelashes or regular strip lashes, applying a lash band that has a build up of old eyeliner or makeup will most certainly interfere with how well they apply and adhere. When you remove your lashes at the end of the day, be sure to clean off any eyeliner residue right away when the makeup is still ‘warm’. This will save your own sanity since old makeup or eyeliner tends to cement itself on and can be cumbersome to remove, so do it right when you remove your lash bands.

If you do have build up, soak your lashes with a bit of warm water and our gentle lash cleanser for a few minutes and you should be able to gently pull it right off. Make sure to use your lash scrubbie to clean your lashes and then rinse with water, pat dry and leave in their tray (open) overnight to dry so they’re ready for next use! If you do find that there is still a build up of eyeliner or makeup on your lash band, you can either soak it a bit longer and try again, or use our lint free flock tip applicators to easily remove buildup.

#5 – You Attached Your False Lashes Too Quickly

You’re reading this article written by someone who has to-do lists that have their own to-do lists that have their own to-do lists. I’ve got a million tasks on the go, and time is a commodity. Believe me when I say, I don’t have much spare time, so I completely understand the urge to rush.

I am, however, a firm believer in taking a little bit of extra time to do the things that make me feel great. Whether it’s good skincare, a quick journal entry, or just well applied makeup or false eyelashes, taking an extra couple of minutes to do it well pays in dividends throughout your day and makes you feel put together.

If we’re going to conquer the world, we may as well look good doing it, right??

This point ties in with #3 since we covered a little bit about the importance of applying a thin layer of eyeliner.

Resist the urge to apply a thick layer of lash liner, glue, adhesive or other.

When you apply too thick of a layer, you risk the following:

  1. Uneven Drying.
  2. Reduced Magnetic Strength.
  3. Adhesive Breakdown.

Thick layers of any kind of eyeliner, whether we’re talking about lash attaching eyeliner or otherwise, takes longer to dry and can deceive you. If it doesn’t dry properly, the outer layer may feel dry while the inner layer is still wet, leading to poor adhesion and lash detachment throughout the day. With clear adhesive, it may become gummy rather than tacky, reducing bond strength – again, lift off.

The solution is to apply a thin layer from the inside to the outside of your lash line and let it dry for a minute or two. You don’t have to but know the risks my friend. My personal routine here is to apply a thin layer, then I do a section of my hair or maybe I get dressed, or grab another coffee, I’m all about multi-taking and making things easier for myself.

Then I come back, and I do my second and final layer. This is the one where I make sure I have adequate coverage on the inner and outer corners and just make sure all is covered well, but thin. Then I let that dry for another minute before attaching those lashes.

It works every single time and I get absolutely zero lifting when I do it this way, so that’s my recommendation.

#6 – You Didn’t Set Them In Place

This sounds more complicated than it is. If you want your lashes to really bond to the your eyeliner, the best thing you can do is to use a bit of pressure to lock them in place.

You can do it with your fingers (clean, free of oils) or you can do it with your lash tweezers (my personal favorite).

Using your tweezers, clamp your false lashes with your natural lashes and gently push them into your lash line. The pressure applied seals the deal and locks them into place. I do this all the way along my lash line and voila! Ready to rock!


So, there you have it! Whether you’re wrangling kids, racing to an important meeting or just wanting to look and feel fabulous, mastering these six steps will ensure your lashes stay looking amazing all day (or night) long!

If you found this guide helpful, make sure to bookmark it so you can come back and reference it any time! And if you’re ready to go out there and conquer the world with lashes that don’t budge, feel free to explore our full line of luxe magnetic eyelashes, magnetic eyeliner and clear lash liner.

Let us know how it goes, and if you have any tips to share, drop us a line! Chances are, if you found a hack – someone else could use the tip and we believe in the power of community and sharing things that make our lives just a little bit easier.

Happy lashing!


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